Our company name is TD Baltic. It represents us, our work, our reputation, and our people throughout the Baltics. That is why it's essential to always use our name in proper form and context. ​​​​​​​
"TD Baltic"
   -   "TD Baltic" is our official brand and company name.
   -   "TD Baltic" is always the first choice and should be used in all possible scenarios.
   -   Never hyphenate "TD Baltic" in any way. Example: TD-Baltic.
The full name of our company must be used across all the different assets and communication channels of TD Baltic. Internal and especially external communication must follow the principles and instructions stated below. Few usage examples to mention:
    -   Emails for partners and clients. The full name must be used when mentioning the TD Baltic name in the email.
   -   Presentations. The full name of the company must be used. An exception can be applied if there’s no space for its full name and usage will violate other guidelines like clear space requirements.
   -   File names. Files that may reach clients and partners must include “TD Baltic” in the file name. That way, we can build a positive approach toward our brand and distinguish ourselves from the competitors.
These are only a few examples. The full name of our brand must be used frequently and consistently.  
Main principles
   -   The full name of our company should be used in every possible scenario. Frequent and proper full name use will increase the positive equity of the TD Baltic brand.
   -   “TDB” is the only approved “TD Baltic” abbreviation. It is only allowed when there’s no space for our full brand name spelling. Abbreviation can only be used after first using the full name of “TD Baltic.”
   -   Abbreviation of our name should only be used for internal communication and never reach clients, partners, and vendors in any format or channel. 
   -   Never refer to us as “TDBaltic,” " Td baltic, " “TDBALTIC,” or similar in any way, written or spoken.
   -   Try to avoid splitting TD Baltic name apart while writing. Starting the sentence from the new line or adding additional space is better than leaving "TD" in one line and "Baltic" in the other. Words "TD" and "Baltic" gains other meaning when written separately and It does not comply with the vision of our brand and its name - TD Baltic. 
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